What Is Considered Normal Stress and Worry, and What Is an Anxiety Disorder?
You have an interview next week and are worried sick you’re going to say the wrong thing and miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime. A heated quarrel breaks out with a close friend and you’re...

Why the Pain from Childhood Sexual Assault Can Affect a Survivor for Years
Research has demonstrated that an alarming number of adults were abused or sexually assaulted as children. Years after the abuse, many of these now adults continue to struggle to come out of their...

CBT: What It Is and What It Can Do For You
Are there areas in your life that pose a challenge to you? Have you decided to face this challenge alone because you do not feel seeing a therapist is right for you? Cognitive-behavioral therapy...

How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Mental Health
Anxiety disorders. Depression. These are all symptoms of poor mental health. Studies have shown that one in every five U.S. adults suffers from a mental illness. While medications, psychotherapy,...

How to Tell Your Partner About Your Past Sexual Abuse
Relationships always start out on a high note. Your mutual attraction combined with your commonalities stirs up your feelings, while finding out about your differences and exploring the world...

4 Ways to Better Understand and Cope with a Midlife Crisis
It is said that if you live long enough, you’ll eventually hit middle age. Once they hit that mark, many people begin to look around at their life and notice what is working and what isn’t....

5 Ways to Cope with Anxiety as a Parent
The hard work and unpredictability that makes parenting so rewarding can also cause a great deal of anxiety. Here are some simple ways to bring yourself to a place of calm. Make a To-Do List...

How to Practice Self-Compassion
Most of us from a young age are taught how to be kind, considerate and compassionate toward others. But rarely are we told to show the same consideration to ourselves. This becomes even more true for individuals brought up in abusive or unloving homes.