Here you will find helpful articles about mental health and relationships written by our Baltimore therapists. We are constantly reading new information to incorporate into our therapy practice, and we want to share it so more people can benefit from it. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts on our blogs.
Dating During the Pandemic: A Couples Therapist Pros and Cons

Dating During the Pandemic: A Couples Therapist Pros and Cons

With more than a year into the pandemic and all it brought with it, people are trying to get back to normal, with what they can. Love and affection are somewhere on the top of that list. But, things...

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What to Do When You Are Anxious About Your Relationship?
Individual Relationship Counseling

What to Do When You Are Anxious About Your Relationship?

Relationships and love are some of the best things that can happen to a person. All of our energy and emotions can be elevated because of love. When things are good and butterflies fly in your...

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What is EMDR Therapy? 3 Common Questions
EMDR Therapy

What is EMDR Therapy? 3 Common Questions

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. That’s a mouthful, huh? Well, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. I promise. What Is EMDR? Although EMDR involves many things, the...

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How Does Counseling for Relationship Issues Work Online?
Online Counseling

How Does Counseling for Relationship Issues Work Online?

In the past virtual therapy (online therapy or phone therapy) wasn’t widely practiced, but that changed in the last decade. Now, with the corona virus at work, the need for virtual therapy has...

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Struggles for Single Moms During COVID
Single Moms

Struggles for Single Moms During COVID

Family life has undoubtedly changed during COVID-19. The pressure drops when two partners start managing life challenges  and motivate one another to fight for a better tomorrow. But, for one group...

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How Marriage Counseling Can Help Couples During Covid-19

How Marriage Counseling Can Help Couples During Covid-19

The entire COVID-19 situation got us all unprepared. Now that the initial shock has worn off, we are left with the treacherous aftermath. Many of us have unresolved feelings about it all. For many,...

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