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The month of June is widely considered Pride Month for the LGBTQ community. Our society, traditionally, wasn’t inclusive or tolerant of any sexuality, other than a heterosexual one. With a lot of blood and sweat, LGBTQ individuals fought for their rights to freedom and expression. Today, we’ve made a great success towards inclusiveness, but there is still a lot to be done.

Certain communities, as well as parts of the world, are ignorant, intolerant, and even opposed to any LGBTQ rights. So it’s up to us, LGBTQ allies, to spread to word and fight together with our friends, families, and acquaintances towards LGBTQ individuals enjoying the same rights as heterosexual individuals hold.

With that said, I, as an LGBTQ affirming therapist, thought that the best thing I can do is share 3 ways that the broader community can celebrate Pride Month.

Educate Yourself and then Educate Others

The first step for any LGBTQ ally is to know what, when, why, and where. So, start there. You might be familiar with the basic history of the LGBTQ, but you can always learn more.

Ignorance is often the first reason why people are intolerant, dismissive, or even hateful toward others. If we know the struggles, wishes, and dreams of other people, we can understand them. If we understand them, we can help them.  My experience as an LBGTQ affirming therapist in Baltimore, Maryland, has shown me that people from the LGBTQ community are still facing a lot of problems and difficulties, and they need allies to support them.

Yes, they do have allies, helpers, supporters, and collaborators, but the general public still needs a lot of education. If you educate yourself, you don’t need to wait for Pride Month to show your support. Any time an ignorant or confused person crosses your path, you can share a bit of information with them. You might not get a thank you letter, but in the long run, this is one of the things the LGBTQ community needs the most – for people to be educated and aware.

Talk to the LGBTQ People Around You

Pride Month, as well as any other month, is a great time for you to talk to the LGBTQ people you know. Ask them about their wishes and concerns, be there for them and what they need, show support and understanding. At the core of every person is their need to have a community that they trust and feel close to. So, be that community for them!

If you are a person on the journey of gender identification, remember that you can ask for help. There is a whole community out there of people who think and feel like you. If you don’t have them around you, it’s because you haven’t found them yet, not because they don’t exist. Also, try LGBTQ affirming therapy or Gender identity therapy. A professional can be there with you, every step of your journey and help you become the truest version of yourself.

Wear a Pride Badge, Flag or Symbol on Your Clothes

One very simple act of showing support is if you wear or show the LGBTQ flag and symbols. That doesn’t have to be the LBGTQ flag waving like a cape at your back, it can be as simple as wearing a badge on your jack


Small acts like these can show people that you are a supporter, without telling them. Now, imagine if for a whole month, every third person you see around you – wears an LGBTQ symbol. People can’t ignore that. And once it’s popular, the easier and faster knowledge and awareness can spread.

Ending Words

The LGBTQ community has come a long way in their battle for equality and inclusion. But, globally, we still aren’t where we should be. From my experience as an LGBTQ counseling therapist, I’m aware of the struggles and concerns. So, I shared with you some of the simplest things you can do to show your support for the LGBTQ community. Not just in June, but throughout the whole year.

Begin LGBTQ Affirming Counseling in Baltimore, MD

Finding someone you can talk to about some of the specific challenges that are experienced by individuals in the LGBTQ community can be difficult at times. If you are needing support for challenges related to being an LBGTQ identified individual or want to learn more about how you can better support individuals in the LGBTQ community, meeting with one of our LGBTQ affirming therapists might be a great option for you! Our inclusive therapists will provide support and give you tools to help navigate LGBTQ specific challenges.

Other Counseling Services Offered at New Connections Counseling Center

In addition to LGBTQ counseling, New Connections Counseling Center also offers a variety of counseling services.  Our inclusive therapists try to serve a range of populations through therapy for college studentswomen’s counselingmen’s therapy, and therapy for sexual assault survivors.  Our team also approaches therapy from an issue-specific standpoint by offering therapy for anxietydepression counselingcounseling for life transitionsalcohol abuse treatmentEMDR therapy, trauma therapy and PTSD treatment.  New Connections Counseling Center wants to help you live the most satisfying and authentic life to you. Schedule an appointment with one of our therapists today!

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About the Author:

Cathy Sullivan-Windt

Psychologist (Ph.D.) & Owner

Cathy is a licensed counseling psychologist with almost 20 years of experience. She specializes in women’s counseling, anxiety treatment, sexual assault recovery, life transitions, and relationship issues.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time in nature, traveling, reading, and being with her family and friends.

Read More About Cathy

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