The Effects of Racial Injustice on Anxiety

The Effects of Racial Injustice on Anxiety

The United States remains one of the most diverse countries on Earth. Despite this diversity, there have always been issues surrounding racism and racial inequality. Although many assumed that racism had reduced in recent years, we now know that racism is alive and well. It seemed that racial injustice was …

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Online Therapy During Coronavirus

Online Therapy During Coronavirus

In just four months, coronavirus has changed the world drastically. Thousands have died, millions have lost their jobs, stock prices keep fluctuating, world economies are struggling to rebound, and everyone is uncertain if and when things will return to normal. The resulting grief, insecurity, and general uncertainty have raised anxiety …

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Coping with Cabin Fever

Coping with Cabin Fever

Human beings are by nature social animals. We generally thrive on togetherness, on being part of a group, and dislike our own company for long stretches of time. For others, it’s not so much the company but the excitement that comes with meeting new people and embracing new perspectives. When …

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