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Are you looking for an LGBTQ-friendly or gender-affirming therapist who understands and supports your identity? Finding someone knowledgeable about LGBTQ+ issues is crucial for receiving the specialized care you deserve. Explore our 5 tips to help you find the right therapist for you!

Finding a therapist you genuinely connect with can be challenging for anyone, but for LGBTQ+ individuals or those seeking gender-affirming care, it can be particularly daunting. Unfortunately, in a cisnormative society, queer people often have to educate health practitioners about their identities and challenges — which is definitely not something you need when seeking professional support.

A gender-affirming process supports anyone exploring their identity or feeling distressed by characteristics of their gender. This benefits transgender, gender nonconforming, and even cisgender individuals, potentially reducing gender dysphoria.

It builds a positive, empathetic bond, which can make therapy sessions feel more rewarding and engaging.

Although some therapists are incredibly competent, finding someone who truly understands your unique experiences as an LGBTQ+ individual can make you feel safe and supported every step of the way.

What it means to be LGBTQ-Friendly or Gender-Affirming

An LGBTQ-friendly or gender-affirming professional is well-versed in gender-related challenges, which includes having relevant training in LGBTQ+ issues, reflecting on internal biases, and helping remove barriers and stressors that negatively impact their clients’ lives.

Regardless of whether the professional is a cisgender ally or a trans/gender non-conforming person, it’s important to find someone who continuously stays updated on:

  • Sexual orientation;
  • LGBTQ+ rights;
  • Gender dysphoria;
  • Gender identity;
  • Gender-related health interventions (e.g., puberty blockers, hormone treatment);
  • Relevant research and news regarding identity issues.

Overall, an affirming approach means fostering a supportive therapeutic alliance with knowledge and cultural awareness, celebrating individuals, and creating space for emotional healing.

Why is it important to find an LGBTQ-Friendly or a Gender-Affirming Therapist?

A 2020 study revealed LGBTQ individuals face stigma, microaggressions, and misunderstanding from mental health professionals, leading to inadequate care due to hetero and cisnormative views. Trans/gender nonconforming people specifically are at higher risk of facing bullying, sexual assault, homelessness, and discrimination in health care.

This community experiences gender minority stress and is more likely to develop depression, anxiety, and attempt suicide. Additionally, many have regrettably endured discredited and threatening practices such as conversion “therapy”.

This highlights the critical need for safe mental health treatment for LGBTQIA+ individuals. According to APA, gender-affirming care includes:

  • Room for processing and understanding;
  • Connecting to social support, health care providers, and legal services;
  • Fostering diversity, reflection, and empathy.

Gender-affirming therapy is especially helpful for those who feel restricted by conventional stereotypes or gender roles, seek self-discovery, and desire a stronger connection with their body.

  • Overall, the positives of LGBTQ or gender-affirming interventions include:
  • Understanding queer-specific distress and challenges;
  • Awareness of identity discrimination;
  • Knowledge of social repercussions of coming out;
  • Competence in gender diversity.

So, if you’re struggling with your mental health as an LGBTQIA+ individual, here are 5 tips to help you find the ideal therapist.

5 Tips to Find an LGBTQ-Friendly or a Gender-Affirming Therapist

1. Identify your needs and goals

Once you decide to start therapy, consider three main aspects: your current needs, what you want to achieve, and what you’re looking for in a therapist.

Reflect on the qualities and deal-breakers you seek in a therapist. Consider preferences such as LGBTQ+ community membership or allyship, understanding intersectionality, or training in specific issues and approaches.

2. Do a thorough research

It’s only natural to worry about encountering transphobia or insufficient knowledge. Fortunately, there are a few clues that can put you on the right track to find an LGBTQ-friendly and gender-affirming professional.

Some therapists explicitly identify as LGBTQIA+ therapists on their profiles, while others mention their expertise and experience working with the community.

You can also search online for terms like “gender-affirming therapist near me” or “gender-affirmation care near me” to find skilled professionals in your area.

3. Look for recommendations

Sometimes, you don’t have to look further than your community! LGTBQIA+ individuals in your network may already know affirming therapists from personal experience. You can also ask for suggestions from local LGBT groups.

If a provider isn’t accepting new clients, you can ask them for referrals, support/therapy group recommendations, or other useful resources.

4. Ask all the questions you need to

Don’t be afraid to go into detail and ask potential therapists as many questions as you need to make an informed decision. After all, your mental health and well-being are at stake.

Before your first session, email them or request a call to ask about their education, professional training, therapeutic approach and experience. (A little pro tip: look for small but promising signs, like pronouns in their email signature.)

Here are a few examples of questions you can ask:

  • What is your training in gender-diverse or transgender mental health and where did you obtain it?
  • How much experience do you have working with LGBTQ and transgender clients?
  • What are your therapeutic approaches for gender identity problems and dysphoria?
  • What’s your approach regarding letters of support for gender-affirming care?

5. Test it out

The first session is all about getting to know one another and determining if it is a good match. That is particularly relevant, as research shows how a strong therapeutic alliance leads to better long-term results.

If they seem insensitive to your experiences, say something unsupportive, or make you feel unheard or uncomfortable, it’s okay to move on and find a therapist who meets your needs.

Remember you’re not obligated to keep working with them or provide an explanation. What matters the most is finding the right fit for you.

Find a Gender Affirming Therapist in Baltimore, MD

Are you searching for a mental health professional who can help you navigate gender identity challenges? Finding the right therapist can be frustrating, but the key is to look for someone who makes you feel comfortable, respected, and safe.

Our Baltimore-affirming therapists can help you piece together who you are while working out with you the next steps. You want to support your journey to live authentically and proudly! Get started by scheduling a free 15-minute consultation here.

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About the Author:

Cathy Sullivan-Windt

Psychologist (Ph.D.) & Owner

Cathy is a licensed counseling psychologist with almost 20 years of experience. She specializes in women’s counseling, anxiety treatment, sexual assault recovery, life transitions, and relationship issues.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time in nature, traveling, reading, and being with her family and friends.

Read More About Cathy

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